We are delighted to invite submissions for the Doctoral Consortium at the upcoming British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), to take place on 20-24 November, 2023 in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. The Doctoral Consortium will take place on Wednesday, 22nd November 2023, and will provide a unique opportunity for PhD students who are within 6 months (before or after) of graduating with their doctoral degree, to interact with experienced researchers in computer vision. Each student will be assigned a mentor who is a senior member of the community attending the conference, based on similarity of research interests. Students and mentors will attend a Doctoral Consortium event in person, giving students an opportunity to discuss their ongoing research and career plans with their mentor.
We invite submissions from PhD students conducting new research in any area of computer vision. Each student will be given a 10 minute slot to present a poster about their ongoing research. The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to help students refine their research ideas and approaches and receive feedback on their work in progress.
Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions should consist of a one page abstract of the research the student will be presenting at the Doctoral Consortium.
- Abstracts should describe students’ research they wish to present, and may include already published work.
- Students need to submit a CV along with their abstract.
- Submissions should be formatted according to the BMVC template, available on the conference website.
- The submission deadline is Friday 14th July.
The abstract and CV should be sent to [email protected]. Thank you so much!
Selection Process: Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts in computer vision. Selection will be based on the quality and potential impact of the research, as well as the clarity and organisation of the abstract.
Accepted authors will be invited to attend the Doctoral Consortium event on Wednesday, 22nd November, in parallel to the main track of BMVC. Each student will give a short presentation, followed by a Q&A session with the panel and other attendees. Students will also have the opportunity to receive individual feedback from their assigned mentor.
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: Friday, 14th July 2023
- Notification of Acceptance: Friday, 4th August 2023
- Doctoral Consortium: Wednesday, 22nd November 2023, during the main BMVC conference.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and to a stimulating and productive Doctoral Consortium at BMVC!
Organisers: Daniela Ivanova (University of Glasgow), Sophie Haynes (Robert Gordon University)
Contact: [email protected]